Peter Beckley – Salt & Cerulean Studio

Meet the Artist

Peter Beckley is a North Carolina artist and designer specializing in coastal and landscape art, but he also likes to venture out into other styles from time to time. Most notable of these recent adventures is his Hidden Music series, inspired by some drastic life changes and losing himself in music to cope.

His first group exhibition, featuring two of his charcoal drawings, happened in 1994, an experience he says he’ll never forget for how nerve-wracking, and gratifying it was. He’s now been creating art for over 20 years in a variety of media including charcoal, photography, pen and ink, leather, paint, and most recently, digitally. He says the one thing that he’s noticed when looking back though his catalog of work is that over time is that he has become more comfortable with color, but still has a fear of the blank page. His focus now is almost entirely on coastal and landscape art, the works inspired by his move to Wilmington, North Carolina in 2014. Recent themes include ocean life, shells, and coastal landscape paintings and photographs.